Product names, logos, brands and other trade marks (whether registered or unregistered)
referred to on this document are the property of their respective owners. Use on this
website does not imply that the owners of such rights are affiliated to TONADA in any way.
Carrier®, Transicold®, Maxima®, Vector®, Supra®, Xarios®, Zephyr®, Neos® and
Viento® are registered trade marks of the Carrier Corporation, registered in the SINGAPORE and
other countries. Thermo King® and TK® are registered trade marks of the Thermo King
Corporation. Spal® is registered trade marks of the Spal Automotive. HISPACOLD® is registered
trade marks of the HISPACOLD ES. EBM PAPST® is registered trade marks of EBMPAPST GERMANY.
The use of these names, and or any those of any other manufacturers, and any O.E.M. part
numbers or partial use of O.E.M. part numbers used alongside products on
this website, is done so to aid and assist identification of replacement parts and products,
and are used for reference purposes only. In no way do they constitute the approval, and or
any association to the O.E.M. in question, nor should they be used to infer any relationship
between TONADA and the third party in question.
Any and all product pictures on this document are for illustrative purposes, provided with
the intent to aid and assist the identification of products parts only. Actual replacement
parts provided may differ.